Page 7 - DigiUp10ano-Leaflet_v10
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Flipped classroom (asynchronous lesson): videos are assigned for
homework in the previous lesson to familarise students with the content,
freeing up classtime for communicative and group work tasks.
MEDIA Cidadania e Desenvolvimento (CD)
Domain Reference
Life online
Pen/Cyber friends Texts come to life with videos, reinforcing
Reading MEDIA students’ comprehension.
1 Which of these ways do you use to keep in touch with your friends? Which one is your
favourite? Why? Tell the class.
• chatrooms • email • video chat • text messaging • social networks
Watch the video. How has
social media affected the • teleconferencing
speaker’s friendships?
2 Listen to or read the text. What apps does it mention?
National Exam Aprendizagens
practice tips (learning Essenciais (descriptors)
It’s not always easy to make friends. Luckily, there are ways to strike up (and keep) 1 to learn)
friendships online. Here are a few bloggers who’ve been saved by social media.
A Last year, we moved across Australia from Melbourne to
Darwin. I was gutted at first as I was leaving behind my best
friend, Em – she’s like a sister to me. We’ve been keeping in 5 read/understand diverse text types; interpret explicit/implicit information; decode key
touch over the Internet, though, and it’s been a life-saver. We
words/phrases; express opinion; develop critical thinking; group work activities
1.1 READING phone, we text and we FaceTime each other day and night. It READING
might not be as good as face-to-face contact, but we chat
Charlotte, Darwin,
Australia about everything. Em, I’m really missing you! 1.1
B All my mates are mad about football, but it gets a bit 10
dull playing it day in day out. I decided to do something
different – running. The only drawback is I don’t like 3 Match the headings (1-4) to the blog entries (A-D).
running on my own, so I downloaded an app that puts me in 1 Speaking the same language 3 The healthy side of the Internet
contact with other runners in my area. The app lets me plan 15 2 Getting ahead online 4 Keeping friends together
Oliver, Manchester, runs, set targets, and even compete against other runners. In Matching headings
fact, I’m off for a run now with Harry. We met through the
UK Read each paragraph 4 For questions 1-3, choose the correct option (A, B, C or D).
app and hit it off immediately. and think of a short
C I’m learning Spanish so I downloaded a free app that sentence that sums it 1 What does Oliver think about the app?
face-to-face = in up. Then look at the A It’s a great way to make friends. C It’s difficult to use.
person connects you to native speakers. I had no idea that there are 20 choices of headings B It helps him exercise on his own.
translate = to change so many people online eager to chat in their own language or and see if one of them D It’s possible to use it too much.
words/phrases into in English! The app can correct my texts in Spanish and also matches yours. 2 What does Orla say about the app?
another language translate what’s sent to me, although I try not to do that too A She can’t use it easily.
take up = to start doing Orla, Kilkenny, much. I met Isabella on the app and we text all the time. The B A pen pal recommended it. C It did not cost anything to install it.
sth regularly Ireland app’s not just for Spanish, though – it’s for all languages. In 25 D She is learning Japanese on it now.
assignment = a project fact, I’m thinking of taking up Japanese; I might make a 3 How does Nathan feel about chatrooms?
on track = progressing Japanese friend, too. A They just don’t appeal to him.
and likely to do well C They don’t have all the answers.
D The first thing I do when I get a school assignment is go
bonus = an unexpected online and check out the chatrooms. They’re really handy for B They are only for schoolwork. D They make schoolwork more fun.
rule = an instruction schoolwork. I needed to up my grades this semester, and these 5 Match the words in bold in the text with their synonyms below.
chatrooms and discussion forums have got me back on track. 30
As a bonus, I’ve met plenty of new friends online and we text • boring • extremely disappointed • great help • put right • problem • useful
• increase • keen
Nathan, Maryland, 24/7. One rule, though – no schoolwork. Keep that for the
USA chatrooms! 6 Answer the following questions.
10 1.1 life online 1 How would Charlotte prefer to communicate with Em?
2 Why do you think Orla doesn’t like translating messages?
7 CritiCal thinking Do you think using social media to keep in touch with your
friends is better than seeing them face-to-face? Why? Why not?
CritiCal thinking Who gets a ‘close friend’ status on your social media accounts?
Realistic, stimulating and age-appropriate 8 Explain why.
texts that engage students’ interest. 9 Rank the drawbacks of social media friendships in order of importance.
Justify your opinions.
• focusing on likes • cyberbullying • making comparisons
• having very few ‘real’ friends • less face-to-face contact
Key vocabulary definitions
expand students’ vocabulary.
life online 1.1 11
Group work activities encourage
collaboration and develop students’ CRITICAL THINKING Students are required
communicative skills. to expand their acquired knowledge
through critical thinking.