Page 11 - DigiUp10ano-Leaflet_v10
P. 11
1.2 establish cross-curricular relations; read/understand diverse text types; interpret explicit/implicit information;
The Arts decode key words/ideas; express opinion; develop critical thinking; technological literacy; cross-curricular project
Reading CROSS-CURRICULAR APPROACH (art & design) 1.2 Cross-Curricular
Watch the video. Which art 1 Label the art forms: Use: architecture, sculpture, painting, music, literature, dance, theatre,
forms are mentioned? filmmaking. 4 approach sections
2 3 3 Read the text. Five sentences have been removed from it. From the sentences A-G,
1 choose the one which fits each gap (1-5). Two of the sentences do not apply. help students explore
A As he tries to help those in need, the other characters try to restore his mind.
B However, very few people were able to read at this time.
Missing sentences the language through
Skim the text to get the C You might think that it sounds rather depressing.
main idea. Read the D It is hard to imagine our country without this work of art.
5 6 7 8 missing sentences and E Before, stories featured gods and heroes, but Don Quixote was about ordinary Spanish familiar concepts from
identify the main point in people.
each. Read the text again
and pay attention to the F Instead, he created simple scenes of daily life. other subject areas.
words before and after G She now lives on in an Amsterdam art gallery, admired by millions of visitors every year.
each gap. Look for clues
e.g. reference words Listen and check.
(he, it, etc) or linking
words. Check that your 4 Match the words in bold in the text with their synonyms below.
2 Read the title of the text and look at the photos. What is the text choice fits grammatically • facts • phrases • story • kings and queens • joyful • considered
about? Read to find out.
and that the text makes
sense. 5
It takes a true artist to give a glimpse into the COLLOCATIONS Match the words in the two columns to make collocations. Then use
glimpse = a quick look life of a country through their art. them to write sentences based on the text.
landscape = the art of Here are three famous artists and three works 1 at first
painting places in of art that managed just that. A life
the countryside Words 2 daily B cycle
volume = one of a set nf 3 box-office C glance
of books A At first glance, it doesn’t seem to be a very interesting painting. However, C o f use d 4 life
influence = an effect Johannes Vermeer’s ‘The Milkmaid’ gives us a deeper understanding of 17th D hit
immense = huge century Holland. Vermeer wasn’t a landscape painter, and he didn’t paint 6 Choose the correct word.
in need = not having portraits of royalty. 1) … ‘The Milkmaid’ is a painting of a young girl in a
enough money or kitchen. That’s what it shows, but it tells us a lot more. It gives us a glimpse historic = a person or 1 Pablo Picasso’s Guernica depicts the historic/historical event of the bombing of the
food of Dutch homes; where people lived, the food they prepared and the clothes event that will be Basque town Guernica in 1937.
restore = to return sth they wore. But most of all, Vermeer gave a young unnamed girl a place in remembered in 2 She loves reading historic/historical novels.
to its previous history. 2) … Vermeer didn’t paint many pictures, but the scenes of Dutch life history; important 3 The National Gallery in London is a place of special historic/historical interest.
he left behind are now recognised as masterpieces.
condition historical = related to
the past or history 4 Was Don Quixote a historic/historical figure?
B One of the very first novels, Miguel de Cervantes’ ‘Don Quixote’, was published
in two volumes, one in 1605 and another in 1615. It tells the tale of an old man, Speaking
Don Quixote, who has read too many books and now believes he is a knight. 3) …
It is a historical novel that combines a world of fiction with the realities of 17th
century Spanish life. 4) … Its influence on Spanish culture and language is 7
immense and the character of Don Quixote is famous throughout the world. Which work of art in the text impressed you the most? Why?
Cervantes also created many expressions that are now common in everyday speech
in Spanish, including ‘Love seeks beauty’, and ‘Promises are thinner than air.’ 8 CritiCal thinking What do you think makes a great work of art? Why?
Discuss in pairs.
C 12-year-old Miguel wants to be a musician, but, on Dia de los Muertos (the
Day of the Dead), he accidentally travels to the Land of the Dead. This is the Writing
plot of 2017’s box-office hit ‘Coco’, an animation set in Mexico. The Day of the
Dead takes place over a few days every November. 5) … The Day of the Dead, 9 digital Citizen Which art form and which work of art represent the culture of
though, is a cheerful time when Mexican families celebrate the lives of their your country, in your opinion? Research online and collect information about:
dead relatives: they eat, dance, and play music, while gravestones are decorated
with flowers and food is left for the dead. ‘Coco’ may present death as a natural characteristics of the art form – characteristics of the specific work of art – how they
help promote the culture of your country. Prepare a digital presentation for the class.
part of the life cycle, but most importantly, it celebrates Mexican culture.
32 1.2 arts & culture (Assess your peers’ presentation and give feedback. Think about: organisation –
content – delivery.)
arts & culture 1.2 33
Public Speaking Skills
PUBLIC SPEAKING SKILLS sections help students
1.3 develop their public
The English language interpret explicit/implicit information; decode key words/ideas; interact/participate in discussions;
Reading INTERCULTURALITY communicate unidirectional/bidirectional; research autonomously; prepare/give a speech speaking skills and
Watch the video. Why is 1 Match the flags to the names of countries. What do all the countries have in common? 1.3 become confident
English considered the • the UK • the USA • Australia • New Zealand • Canada • Ireland
most important language?
Types of Speeches
Speeches can be informative (e.g. a scientific presentation), persuasive (e.g. a political speech),
1 2 3 4 5 6 instructional (e.g. a speech about how to write a good CV) or ceremonial (e.g. a graduation
2 Look at the picture and the title of the article. What do you think the article is
about? Listen and read to find out. 5 Read the task and answer the questions.
Nǐ huì Do you Your school is organising an event to celebrate English Language Day.
shuō speak Teachers, parents and students will attend. You have been asked to give a
yīngyǔ English? speech about the importance of the English language in the business world. Students are made
Parlez-vous ma?
anglais? 1 What type of speech are you going to give? aware of various types
When giving a speech, 2 Who are you going to speak to?
you can use numbered 3 What is the speech going to be about?
cue cards with key words 4 What is the purpose of the speech? of speeches and public
English is the most widely spoken language in the world. them use English and more than 25% of all Internet so that you can
remember what you
Let’s see why. users are English speakers. want to say next. 6 Watch a student delivering a speech on the topic in Ex. 6. Number the cue cards below speaking techniques.
• Britain was once a superpower with colonies in North • Movies, music, TV, radio, magazines, newspapers, and and complete the gaps (1-6) with the following words:
America, India, Africa, Australasia and many other the global reach of broadcasters – like the BBC – have • multinational • level • official • communication • staff • performance
territories around the world. Since Britain dominated helped to spread English around the world at an
colony = a country world trade, English became the global language. When incredible rate since WW2. BENEFITS PROBLEMS WHY
these countries later became independent, some • International travel has also expanded the use of
ruled by another decided to keep English as their official language. English. Around 75% of international travel is by non- A B
country native English speakers to non-English-speaking C
territory = an area of • English is the language of business, commerce, science, countries, but the language used is English. All pilots • easy 1) … & cooperation • 1 in 4 people speak English
medicine, law and navigation. That is why English is the
land and cabin crew speak English, too. • takes time for English-only policy
commerce = buying/ leading language of scientific research and papers • do business anywhere • staff may feel worth is tied to 3) … • 1/2 a billion people use English online
worldwide no matter what nationality the authors are. The fact that there are more speakers of English as a
selling goods • recruit 2) … from all over the world of English • corporate language - 5) … companies
paper = a piece of This also explains why most Business degrees are taught second or foreign language than there are native speakers • people travel/advance career • 4) … affected/mistakes made • standard 6) … language - shipping/
in English and multinational companies require their of English shows quite clearly how much of a global
writing travel industries
broadcaster = employees to speak English. language English really is.
a company that • English is the most common language spoken on the
produces TV/radio Internet. Of the world’s top 10 million websites, 54% of Opening/Closing techniques
programme You can use one of the following techniques to start your speech and attract the audience’s
spread = affect an Read the article again and decide if the sentences are T (True), F (False) or DS (Doesn’t attention, and to end it in a powerful way so that the members of the audience remember it:
area or more 3 Say). Then explain the words/phrases in bold. • ask a rhetorical question (Well, who knows what the future holds for the English language?)
people/things • use a quotation (The South African political leader Nelson Mandela once said, “If you talk to a
rate = a speed 1 Britain had colonies on every continent. man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language,
that goes to his heart.” Today we will discuss the importance of the English language.)
2 Many previous colonies are now English-speaking countries. • address the audience (How many of you speak English fluently? … How many of you speak
3 Swedish scientists write their papers in English. more than one foreign language? … / So, let me finish by asking you this: don’t you all agree that
4 10 million websites use English. English is perhaps the most important language?)
5 75% of global travel is to an English-speaking country.
4 CritiCal thinking Think of two other situations where it is important to speak 7 a) Watch the video again. Which techniques does the speaker use to open/close her
English. Tell the class. When researching online, speech?
use only trustworthy
46 1.3 ExchangE/community PRogRammES internet sites (e.g. online b) Replace these with other appropriate opening/closing techniques.
encyclopedias and
reliable news sources) to 8 digital Citizen Research online and collect information about English as the
find accurate and
language of new technologies: why it is the language of new technologies/benefits/
up-to-date information.
problems. Write your speech and create numbered cue cards with the key information.
Give your speech to the class.
ExchangE/community PRogRammES 1.3 47