Page 15 - DigiUp10ano-Leaflet_v10
P. 15
Review sections for students to revise the content of each module
1 Read the article and for questions 1-5, choose
the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Listening Grammar
1 The article 3 Listen to the interview. For questions 1-4, 5 Choose the correct item.
A highlights the importance of learning apps. choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
B explains why some people learn languages 1 The purpose of the interview is to 1 Sam thinks that learning Portuguese is even
more/the most difficult than learning French.
better. A discuss why languages change. 2 Did the students get along well with each/
LANGUAGE C provides advice to foreign language learners. B compare past and modern languages. every other?
D discusses common mistakes by learners.
C show how the Internet affects languages.
LEARNING TIPS 2 Learning a foreign language can 2 The main reason languages change is 3 There are 25 students in my class, most of who/
whom speak at least two foreign languages.
With automatic language translation apps, you might 1 A make you more confident as a person. A globalisation. 4 Do you like this large black marble/black large
marble sculpture?
B improve certain brain functions.
B a combination of things.
ask yourself “why bother learning another language”? C teach you more about your mother tongue. C technology. 5 John taught himself/myself to speak Russian.
Well, learning foreign languages is rewarding on many 3 Portmanteaus are 6 Tara was born in the/– France, but she lives in
levels and the close connection of a native language to D make you smarter. the/– UK now.
its people means that you will gain a deeper insight into 5 3 What does “it” refer to (ℓ. 6)? A English and foreign word combinations. 7 I am not used to get/getting up early in the
the country’s culture. It is also a good workout for the A language learning B new words added to the English dictionary. morning.
brain, improving memory and delaying the aging B native language C words formed by blending two other words. 8 I listened/was listening to music last night
process. Here are some tips to get you started. C a country’s culture 4 The professor says that new words when my headphones suddenly stopped.
Start small It’s easy to get over-excited in the beginning D brain workout A shouldn’t be added to the dictionary. 9 This new smartphone is expensive. It is costing/
and study for hours. However, a new language can take 10 B are relevant to the current time. costs €800!
a long time to learn, so it’s important to organise your 4 Which word could replace “get” in the text C can’t be considered proper English. 10 Let’s go to the cinema tonight to watch the new
time so as not to get frustrated and burn out too quickly. (ℓ. 29)? (4x5=20) James Bond film. It is starting/starts at 8.
Track progress Try to set small goals each week and make A take C bring (10x2=20)
a note of your achievements in your target language: B have D buy Vocabulary
you ordered something for the first time; you had your 15 5 What does the author say about polyglots? Writing
first conversation; you finally understood that grammar A They can learn languages easily. 4 Choose the correct word. Then fill in: from, in, on, 6
structure you’ve been stuck on for ages. Doing these B They are patient and determined. out, over. Read the rubric and write your story.
things will help keep you motivated to continue. 1 To register/attend for the online course, you
Share the experience Tell others what you are doing, or C They also face difficulties. must apply … writing. An online English teen magazine has asked its
even better, have someone join you in your learning 20 D They progress faster. 2 Let’s go … the lyrics once more before we readers to post stories that begin with this
sentence: Last summer I had the time of my life.
experience. This way, you can help each other to (5x4=20) upload/upgrade the song to the cloud.
achieve your personal goals. 3 The band wants to rehearse/release the new Write your story for the magazine (120-150
words). Your story should include:
Download language apps There are many popular apps, Speaking song once more before it comes … . • an English course • a new friend
dictionaries, and language games out there, which are 4 Based … her body expression/language, I can
perfect for looking up words or just getting a few minutes 25 2 Match the exchanges. tell how she feels.
of practice every day. 1 I’d like you to meet Professor Evans. 5 I’ve just heard … Sam. He’s studying Scottish (20 points)
Join online groups You can find lots of online communities 2 I’m calling to ask for some information about Gaelic, an official/endangered language. (Total: 100)
that support language learners. These offer their members language courses. (5x2=10)
the opportunity to exchange materials and get extra 3 This is Fiona. She’s new at the school.
practice, but also to make new friends and share their 30 4 Please could you tell me how to use this Now I can …
language experiences. language-learning app? Average ★ Good ★★ Very good ★★★
Don’t give up Everyone learns at a different speed, and 5 Got to run. See you later. Listening Comprehension
there are always times when you feel you’re not making Oral Interaction Written production
enough progress. Just remember that even polyglots – A Hi, nice to meet you. Welcome! ✓ understand fluid discourse ✓ use alternative forms of expression/ ✓ plan written activities
people who speak several different languages fluently 35 B Bye! Take care. ✓ integrate my own experience and comprehension ✓ integrate my experience from other
knowledge from other subject areas
– have all gone through similar phases. The only things C It’s truly an honour to meet you. Written Comprehension ✓ interact/participate in discussions subject areas Modular
you need are patience and determination to continue Oral production ✓ use acquired knowledge to meet the
your language learning journey. D Certainly. I’d be happy to show you. ✓ understand diverse text types ✓ express myself clearly needs of written task
E Of course. What would you like to know? ✓ decode key words/ideas ✓ produce statements to describe or give Intercultural domain self-assessment
✓ understand author’s point of view/
(5x2=10) opinion Written Interaction ✓ recognise distinct intercultural realities
54 1 A world of mAny lAnguAges ✓ understand explicit/implicit information ✓ respond to an email ✓ compare my world to the world of others
in texts
A world of mAny lAnguAges 1 55
Classical Literature
Reader Reading and Listening
comprehension tasks
“No. I made a promise to defend King and country, and I cannot
break it.”
“If you are not with us, then you are against us. The people are
dying. We must act now.”
That night I hardly slept. I hoped the King would end the war
and feed his people. But I knew he would not. 1 EPISODE 1
No man has ever escaped from the prison on the island of St
Marguerite. Only madmen and those mad enough to plot against
the King are put there. Before you read
Aramis, Athos and Porthos rowed into the cave. Aramis and
Athos were dressed as priests, and Porthos as a boatman. He 1
stayed with the boat and Aramis and Athos climbed the steps to Read the information about Alexandre Dumas and answer the questions that follow.
the thick door. The guard’s eye appeared at the small grille.
“What do you want?”
“A prisoner is to be executed tomorrow. We will hear his last Alexandre Dumas
confession. It is the man in the iron mask. Here is Monsieur
Fouquet’s signature.” Alexandre Dumas was born in 1802 in Villers-Cotterets, France. His
“Oh, yes. He brought him here eight years ago. I think he has father was a general in the French Army but died when Dumas was
gone mad.” only four. His family was poor, and he received little education. His
The guard let them in and led the way through the prison. He let handwriting was so elegant, though, that he was employed as a clerk
them into the cell and closed the door. Then they saw the man.
in the household of the future King, Louis Philippe. There he began
His clothes were torn and dirty and a black, roughly made iron
mask covered his head. reading and, later, writing. Dumas wrote plays and historical novels,
“We have come to help you,” Aramis said. The man made no sound. including The Three Musketeers and The Man in The Iron Mask.
“Philippe, we know who you are. But you don’t know who you They tell the story of swordsmen fighting for justice in the service of
really are. You are an important man.”
King Louis XIV and include a plot to hide the existence of his twin
“Who?” brother Philippe. Dumas died in 1870.
The man had not spoken for so long, one word seemed an effort.
“You are the King’s twin. No one knows you are still alive, not
even the King. We have come to help you.”
1 Where and when was Alexandre Dumas born?
Aramis took off his robe. Athos strapped the man to Aramis’
body with several thick leather belts. Luckily, he was small and 2 What did his father do?
3 How old was Dumas when his father died?
thin. When Aramis put on his robe again, you could hardly tell he
was under it. And in the darkness no one would know.
4 Who did Dumas work for?
“Guard let us out. You were right. He is quite mad.”
The guard led the way back. 5 What are two historical novels he wrote?
“Why don’t you eat with me and my companions? Monsieur 6 How old was Dumas when he died?
Fouquet will be here soon. I saw his boat approaching.”
“Thank you, but we have to get back.” 2 CritiCal thinking Who do you think the Man in the Iron Mask is?
Aramis panicked. He had not expected Fouquet to arrive yet.
They could see his boat coming through the iron gate and
hurried to leave. Aramis watched as the guard spoke to Fouquet Do you know what a musketeer is? What do you think their job was? Have you heard of
who then turned towards them and shouted, the Three Musketeers? Who were they? Read the first paragraph of the text to check.
“Hey! Who are you?”
Neither Aramis nor Athos replied. Listening
“Lower the gate! At once!” 4
Listen to and read the episode. Mark the sentences as T (true) or F (false). Correct
When they reached it, there was just enough room for the boat the false sentences.
to pass underneath. Porthos was rowing fast, but Fouquet was
gaining ground. 1 D’Artagnan works for the King of France.
“As soon as we reach the bank, run for the horses. Athos and I 2 Louis decides to give the French people food from the armies’ supplies.
will fight off Fouquet and his men.” 3 Athos has a plan to get rid of Louis.
At the shore, Aramis and Philippe ran towards the horses. 4 All the prisoners are traitors or madmen.
Fouquet and five men jumped out of their boat. Athos and
Porthos dealt with the men easily. Soon they were riding off 5 The musketeers are wearing disguises.
6 Philippe knows why he is in prison.
towards Paris, with Fouquet shouting after them, “You will not
get away with this! I will hunt you down and kill every last one
of you!” 7 Aramis knew Fouquet would visit the prison.
8 The Musketeers kill Fouquet’s men.
the man in the iron mask 203 5 Listen again and circle the names of the Musketeers.
Athos Louis D’Artagnan Porthos
Fouquet Aramis
204 the man in the iron mask